One of the Best Abel Tasman Walks

Some places are just so beautiful you just have to keep returning to ensure your memories have not been distorted over time. The Abel Tasman is exactly one of those places so we get out there and do a different section of the Park every time we get a chance.

Falls River Track

An Abel Tasman walk we did recently was up the Falls River Track. This walk can be completed as a day trip with a return water taxi from Marahau to Torrent and out of Anchorage in the afternoon. Alternatively if you are based at Anchorage or Torrent bay and looking for a great little adventure off the beaten track on a busy summer day, then I can happily recommend the Falls River Track.

When we did the walk we departed Marahau on the 9am water taxi to Torrent Bay, waved goodbye to the crowds and headed south for a few minutes to the turn off for the Falls River Track.

The bush up the track is absolutely stunning. Unlike some other areas, it’s original, rather than regenerating native bush. It was never touched by the early settlers who tried to farm the land or harvest the trees.

The deep water pools in the river and the waterfalls are absolutely breathtaking and the giant boulders are perfectly formed for rock hopping. There are a lot of perfect swimming holes and I really like swimming in freshwater, even if it is a bit cooler than the water at the beach.

The walk time is about 3 hours return from the turnoff point at the Torrent Bay Estuary. I would recommend going up on the earliest water taxi and then taking the last sailing out of Anchorage. If you do the walk during a high tide, it’s even more spectacular when you walk around the estuary towards Anchorage. I love how you can look across the water of the estuary to the trees on the other side.

Blog by Jude Ahearn
Customer Service Manager – The Abel Tasman Centre

About Jude: Jude’s first job in the outdoors was as a walking guide on Stewart Island, but it wasn’t too long before she returned home to the Abel Tasman. Her first job back here was as a kayak guide, and after that she moved into various operations and management positions. When she’s not working as head honcho at the Abel Tasman Centre she and husband Kev head straight into the outdoors, and usually as far into the backcountry as time allows.

Other Day Walks along the Abel Tasman Track 

Falls River

Walking & Hiking | Full Day
from $105
Return water taxi and walking trip: Water taxi to Torrent Bay, walk the scenic Abel Tasman Coast Track to Bark Bay (2.5hrs) crossing the Falls River Swingbridge.
Book Now

Bridge and Beach

Walking & Hiking | Full Day
from $106
Return water taxi and walk: Water taxi from Totaranui to Torrent Bay before walking through to Bark Bay. Water taxi back to Totaranui.
Book Now
Great for Families

Pitt Head Walk

Walking & Hiking | Half Day
from $99
Return water taxi and walking trip: Water taxi to Anchorage to walk the Pitt Head Loop Track (1.5hr) round trip.
Book Now

Heart of the Park

Walking & Hiking | Full Day
from $109
Return water taxi & walking trip: Water taxi to Torrent Bay, walk the scenic Abel Tasman Coast Track to Onetahuti (4hrs).
Book Now

Abel Tasman Classic

Walking & Hiking | Full Day
from $133
Return water taxi and walking trip: Water taxi the length of the Park to Totaranui and then back to Torrent Bay. Walk north to Bark Bay (2.5hrs).
Book Now

Awaroa Escape

Walking & Hiking | Full Day
from $117
Return water taxi and walking trip: Water taxi to Bark Bay or Onetahuti and then walk to Awaroa Bay (from Bark Bay 3hrs, Onetahuti 1hr).
Book Now

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