Abel Tasman Day Trips
Trip Finder Tool
Use our Trip finder tool to find your perfect Abel Tasman day trip
Choose from our selection of Abel Tasman day trips with our easy to use Trip Finder tool. Kayak, walk or catch a water taxi and explore one of New Zealand’s most pristine national parks.
Discover the beauty Abel Tasman National Park with our tailored day trip packages. Whether you’re looking for a half-day, full-day, or multi-day adventure, our Trip Finder Tool makes it easy to choose the perfect Abel Tasman day trip. The Abel Tasman track follows the pristine coastline offering breathtaking views of lush forest-fringed golden–sand beaches and, numerous walk & kayak options to choose from. The coastline is dotted with Department of Conservation campsites and huts, ideal for those on multi-day walks and kayak trips.
Choose Your Adventure from our Selection of Abel Tasman Day Trips
Choose the perfect day trip to suit your adventure needs and experience the best of Abel Tasman. From quick, half day water taxi & walk packages to 4 day walk and kayak trips – choose an option to suit you!