Locals Guide with Jared

Jared was born and bred in Motueka, like his ancestors before him for as long as anybody can remember. Jared has worked as a water taxi skipper for Abel Tasman AquaTaxi for many years. Before that, he worked as a kayak guide, also in the Abel Tasman. Jared is passionate about sharing this knowledge and experience about the Park, but he also been known to spread a few myths. For example, if you’re on his water taxi, he is likely to tell you that Tokangawhā (Split Apple Rock) is Maori for Pacman.

Jared - Local Water Taxi Skipper and Guide in the Abel Tasman

Watching the surprise on people’s faces when I get to show them one of the secret little spots along the Abel Tasman, like Shag Harbour, is the favourite part of my job. A lot of people are just blown away when we maneuver through a small opening into a bush-lined tidal inlet they didn’t even know was there!

Q & A time with Jared

What’s your job in the Abel Tasman?

Skipper for Abel Tasman AquaTaxi

What is your favourite spot in the Abel Tasman?

Apple Tree Bay. Lots of summers spent with family and friends.
When I’m working I love Shag Harbour. It’s always great to show people a hidden surprise and get a good reaction.

What inspires you?

Happy people inspire me 😊 particularly those who have less than most.

What is your ultimate go to jam to put you in a good mood?

A Song for the Dead by Queens of the Stone Age. My body just starts moving!

What are three things you just couldn’t live without?

The sea, beaches and the coast.
The final series of Game of Thrones
A delicious crisp cold beer

Best movie of all time?

The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger’s Joker is the most amazing performance put to screen!

What do you think about when you’re alone?

Err um… The Cosmos.

Who is your hero?

Fellow water taxi skipper, Spencer Bailey. He’s one of the smartest blokes around. Just ask him.

Favourite local spot outside of the Abel Tasman?

Rabbit island. Good free bbqs to cook sausages!

What makes you laugh the most?

People getting frights and failing. Thanks YouTube!

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